Trade Agreements Act

Trade Agreements Act(TAA) compliance has gained increased visibility in the GSA contracting community.
Essentially, TAA requires that end products from designated countries be treated the same as U.S.-made products for government procurement purposes, and prohibits the acquisition of end products from other, non-designated countries.
"Designated countries" have signed a international trade agreement with the United States as defined within the World Trade Organization (WTO), Free Trade Countries (FTC), North American Free Trade Agreement Countries (NAFTA), Least Developed Countries (LDC), and Caribbean Basin Countries (CBC).
"Non-designated countries" include several countries that are major suppliers of goods or services to the U.S. market such as: China, India, Malaysia, and Thailand.
The TAA provides an exception to the Buy American Act (BAA), which is intended to promote the acquisition of "domestic [US] end products". In other words, where the TAA applies, the BAA does not apply.
Agencies within the Federal Government that incorporate the Trade Agreement Act into their procurement practices include the General Services Administration (GSA) schedule contracts. Other Federal Agencies, such as the Department of Defense, typically use the Buy American Act.
Under the current Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), products and construction materials derived from a Trade Agreement "designated country" must be manufactured or "substantially transformed" within that country (FAR 25.4, 52.225-5, 52.225-11).
Using this criterion, compliance with the Trade Agreement Act requires Bradley products to be manufactured (substantially transformed) within TAA Designated Countries
To receive confirmation of Trade Agreement Act compliance by specific Bradley product numbers or configurations, please contact Bradley's Customer Service Team.